Tatu Vuolteenaho paints portraits of queer witches. They are queers and their allies who are into spirituality.
Queer people have often felt excluded from mainstream religions and spiritual groups. Gay culture in the western world offers alcohol, sex and shopping, but spirituality has been less visible. In other cultures the queers have been seen differently. They have often held intersex, androgynous people, feminine males and masculine females in high respect and the queers have been seen as religious leaders and teachers.
Tatu takes photographs first and paints from the photos. Tatu participates in workshops, rituals, healings etc. to learn more about the models. That way he hopes to get some magic into the paintings.
- New paintings at Mas Amigos Gallery, Madrid in April 2025.
- Taidehalli Häme in Hämeenlinna, Finland, 30.8. - 21.9. Opening is on 29.8. 2025 on the Night of the Arts
- Akustiikka in Ylivieska, Finland in August 2026 (TBC)
Aim is to have exhibitions in many countries. This project can go even further: research trips to Latin America, academic studies and a book.
QW art project aims to sell the works and part of the profits go to help our less fortunate LGBT+ friends. A gay refugee from Uganda Geoffrey Rainbo has inspired us to include this aspect into the project.
Wigs for refugees or what could we do? (Article about Geoffrey)
Art Lectures
Tatu Vuolteenaho is giving art talks called "Drag Queens, Aliens and Queer Witches". They are about Tatu's colourful queer party history and why the QW art project seems like a good idea now. Tatu can give the lectures in Finnish, English or in Spanish.
See the London lecture from The Glory on Youtube